At times, the challenges we experience seem so unbearable.
We are here to learn that the purpose of this "suffering" is so we become so cut off from our TRUE SELVES.
We become so cut off from our joy that we cannot take it any longer.
It's at this point that we are sent the
Do things change or do they stay the same?
You can only suffer so much before the only thing left to do is to stop running from what scares you, no matter what the cost.
It's this decision that sets YOU free.
You realise that the only answer is to turn around and walk towards the discomfort.
You begin to "allow" the pain and "feel" the lived trauma.
This is by no means an easy task and in the majority of people, it's something that's avoided at all cost.
This is YOUR lesson for YOUR inner peace.
Seeing life not as the past or the future but as NOW.
Choosing to not feel better but becoming better at feeling, owning the "shadows" and integrating them so you become
You are not broken by any means, you are evolving. It's your choice to do this with either flow or resistance.